Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Forget the Nokia Lumia 910, now the Nokia Lumia 1001 appears

Recently, Nokia's Remote Device Access showed a Nokia Lumia 910. For those unaware, the Remote Device Access allows those using a browser to access Nokia hardware. It is designed for developers to use to test out their code on hardware that they don't actually have physical access to. The RDA helped reveal the Nokia Lumia 900 last year, when it was referred to as the Nokia 900 Windows Phone.

While the Nokia Lumia 910 showed up recently, that device has been rumored to be around since February when accessories for the device appeared on Amazon and a Dutch retailer posted all about the device including its 12MP camera. Nokia's top camera executive, Damian Dinning, denied that such a device existed. Now, the RDA is showing the Nokia Lumia 1001 and once again we are left wondering about the legitimacy of the model number.

It should be noted that when an unreleased model like the Nokia Lumia 1001 appears on the Remote Device Access tool, it doesn't give users access to those models. Those model numbers show up when a user takes a Nokia branded device to search for other Bluetooth enabled units nearby. The person who found the Nokia Lumia 1001, a member of the TechCrunch crew, was using a Nokia 500 when he spotted the Nokia Lumia 1001. Just to make sure he wasn't seeing things, he tried it again with a Nokia N9 and the Nokia Lumia 1001 was still there.

With the Lumia line, the higher the model number the higher-end the device. So with that in mind, perhaps the Nokia Lumia 1001 will be the first Nokia Windows Phone 8 model. Remember, we already know that current Windows Phone flavored handsets are not getting updated to the next build of Microsoft's mobile OS. Sorry, Nokia Lumia 900 owners, you can't have the flagship Windows Phone model forever.

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