The report discusses Samsung’s upcoming display production plans. Apparently, the Korea-based electronics giant has decided to pare down production of LCDs, and throw its weight behind OLED technology and flexible screens, with plans to allocate a “mere” 1.8 trillion won (nearly $1.7 billion) for LCDs, out of its 6.6 trillion won (about $5.9 billion) total investment for display panels in 2013. This gives credence to some of the rumors floating around about the flagship devices Samsung is expected to release next year.
And this is where the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 comes in. Near the end of the aforementioned Korea Times report, it’s said that Samsung is currently “developing the Galaxy Note 3 with a 6.3-inch screen using an OLED display” based on information from local parts suppliers. So the Galaxy Note 3 will feature a 6.3-inch screen as one of its highlights. Now, where have we heard that one before?
It might not be as crazy as it sounds
Currently, very little is known about the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. It’s really only the screen size that’s known (well, suspected) at this point, and even then, it’s not a feature that has been confirmed by Samsung itself. But you know what? The Galaxy Note X concept might have gotten some of the features right. Or, we’d wish it did. Who wouldn’t want over 100GB of flash storage or a 4,000mAh battery on their next phone?There’s also a possibility that someone read about the Note X concept, and misinterpreted it as the real, upcoming Note 3. We can’t tell if that’s the case, but hear this – another Android manufacturer is prepping a 6.3-inch phone. Huawei has promised a phablet that will “dwarf” the Note 2 for next year, a device that could be the rumored 6.3-inch Ascend Mate. So, if Huawei can do it, what could stop Samsung?
Galaxy S4 to debut at MWC?
The Korea Times report also threw in a bit about the Samsung Galaxy S4 before wrapping up, revealing that it will be introduced at the Mobile World Congress in February 2013, just as expected based on earlier reports.While Korea Times does not mention when either of the two upcoming devices are scheduled to officially hit stores, it’s good that the report gives some credence to the rumored Galaxy S4′s launch date.
And we now know at least one aspect of the Galaxy Note 3. Of course, the info we’ve got is not Samsung-official, but it’s the closest thing we’ve got — for now.
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