Sony’s finally taken the gloves off in the smartphone ring with its Xperia Z and Zl flagship Android handsets. Externally, the perfectly rectangular 0.31-inch thick Z is a classic example of Sony design and definitely different — but it’ll likely take some getting used to in the hand. Its hardware rap sheet also stands toe-to-toe with premium devices like the Droid DNA, Optimus G and Nexus 4 thanks to a 5-inch 1080p “Reality Display”, Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core processor, NFC, LTE, 2GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage and a MicroSD slot.
PlayStation certification, Sony MH-EX300AP premium ear buds and a 2330 mAh battery partnered with a new Battery Stamina Mode (which automatically turns off power leeching apps running the background when the screen goes dim to increase standby time to a whopping 550 hours) top the whole gravy train off.
The Xperia Z1 announced in tandem mirrors the Z in nearly every way — with the only notable differences being a lack of waterproofing and a different exterior form. Specifically, it’s slightly thicker thanks to a curved matte plastic back, but still boasts a smaller footprint due to a nearly bezel-less screen. There’s also a physical button for the camera and an IR blaster for using the phone as a universal remote.
Together, the pair makes for an impressive set of heirs in the Xperia family line — a line that should finally land Sony a seat in the Android royal circle when they launch later this quarter, even without Bond’s blessing.
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