Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Choose large or small companies

Writing this article is not to give someone directions, but to give yourself Pathfinder. I just had the privilege of large companies and small companies have had a period of work experience, but no right to recommend to others is to go to big companies or small companies. I think everyone has its own understanding and awareness on this issue, at different stages have different ideas. This article is simply an objective description of my experience in working in different parts of the true feelings, less any emotion. I hope through my experience, give you some insights, but also want someone who give me some advice, I am also very confused

2006 started reading computer undergraduate real contact with the computer industry, I am very lucky, because I like this area. In fact, it is not like immersed in the technology ocean, enjoy the joy of technology control. Just to own the results of others enjoy the little sense of accomplishment and vanity, I think this is enough for me. For this reason, I did not like the students and cafes game through four years of undergraduate time, did not like cattle do and books to play four years of dealings. I choose to learn the techniques, practice techniques, to realize their ideas with the code. I enjoy the process of designing products, like the pleasure of the design into reality. Slowly, I began to grow. So I was not satisfied in their own brood, because I know that their own knowledge and experience, will never be able to make a breakthrough.

Then I went to a variety of corporate practice. Private companies, foreign companies and large Internet companies, the entrepreneurial team with a few people ... It is no exaggeration to say that, in addition to state-owned enterprises and institutions, I have done in various forms and styles inside the team. To do the implementation in some places, some places to do development, some places do the design, some places do management. The point once again stressed - I was lucky. The young have been to so many places, done so many jobs.This also lets me have more understanding and a voice in this industry, especially in the Internet industry.

Here I talk about my most intuitive feeling for a lot of corrections and discussions. In order to avoid classification too small, I only simple said National Cheng Kung University companies and small companies.

By www.dpgate.com

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