Sunday, April 7, 2013

SimCity 5 Review

SimCity is a beautiful mess. Not in the same vein as a Jackson Pollock or Tracy Emin, mind, but instead more of a lost Rembrandt forgotten under an ever growing pile of detritus in some well-meaning aunt’s attic. It’s been buried by technology, inside and outside the game. What should have been a tour-de-force of city building is instead mired in queues to play and connection issues even a week on from release, and a misguided attempt at introducing social features such as shared resources and global trading has only hindered, when it should have helped.
The worst of it is lost saves, entirely erasing cities from the map without any of the joy of watching aliens or a tornado rip through it. With everything being thrown up and hosted on the cloud, every decision you make is potentially lost to a server hiccup or any number of connectivity issues. Even then, the worst case scenarios still have milder cousins, and there were multiple times when a communication error with the SimCity servers got in the way of playing the game. When I tried to erect a Great Work, which fill the role of SimCity’s end game, I had to wait a good half hour for the ‘permit’ to be approved. Having spent a million in game dollars on that permit, it was a testing time.
Even worse is the unreliable nature of the social features. On two different occasions I lost a huge amount of money trying to transfer funds from one city to another, with the gift just disappearing somewhere between the two. And while SimCity does model embezzlers and other criminals, I’m fairly certain this wasn’t a feature.

The thing is, none of this would even matter if SimCity itself wasn’t any fun. It would just be another abortive attempt by a publisher to shovel intrusive DRM down the throats of the players, and we could happily ignore it in favour of less restrictive experiences. The problem is SimCity is a beautiful thing, once you battle past the server queues and loading problems.
At the heart is the roads, a flexible spine upon which everything else hangs. SimCity games have always been primarily about expression rather than simulation, despite the name. The landscape is your canvas, and you’re given the tools to cultivate in whatever manner you choose. You can opt for a utilitarian grid, maximising your economic potential by planning for skyscrapers from the get go. Or you can instead create elegant curves and circles, aiming for an altogether more aesthetically pleasing layout. Either way, SimCity accommodates, and the internet is already awash with beautiful constructions that players have made.
As the mayor of your city, you’re responsible for all the necessities like police, firefighters and education, but also amenities such as power, water and transport. It’s a socialist utopia, when it works, especially when the city government starts to supplement their income with drilling, or gambling, or tourism. There’s a huge amount of satisfaction in seeing the path you’ve chosen, whatever it might be, start to pay off in the forms of those delicious simoleon dollars.
It’s at around this point, when you’ve got a functioning economy and a burgeoning bank account, that SimCity starts to look a little pale and bloated. You’ll have already run into the primary problem, as the borders of your city start to feel claustrophobic, restricting your ability to meet an increasing demand for real estate and an even more pressing requirement for large open spaces upon which you can plop Simcity’s most impressive, and large, buildings.

But more than that, you’ll begin to hit the inevitable brick wall of so many complicated systems clashing against one another. The most devastating is traffic, the lifeblood of the city, coagulating on your streets as the residents become unable to use even basic sense to figure out how to get from A to B.
It doesn’t help that cities only have a single entrance, meaning that if you have any sort of congestion at that entrypoint the entire infrastructure is going to get gummed up, leaving you starved of essential services. I had a city that was thriving on a wildly profitable oil industry, but when one traffic jam caused a gridlock for miles on the highway, all the trucks transporting my oil were lost to it. And without that income, the city atrophied.
There’s little doubt that a lot of these problems could well be patched out in the coming months, and especially the server issues should be gone before the end of March, at the very latest, but the more of SimCity I play, the more it seems like the problems are nestled at the core of the experience, rather than hovering at the periphery to be trimmed away. It’s undeniable that being able to bear witness to every single one of your residents as they go about their daily lives is incredibly rewarding, especially when you can zoom in to such a degree, tilt shift and all, and watch their thoughts as they attend work, visit the theatre, catch the bus.
But it comes at a cost that feels too steep. When you model so many systems to such an infinitesimal degree, just one bug can have a butterfly effect, rippling out until the entire thing comes crashing down. One bus that refuses to move off an intersection and you’re doomed. One school that refuses to hire workers and suddenly you’re starved of skilled employees the city over. Both are bugs I encountered, and took multiple restarts of the game to fix.
There’s a gem of a game in here, among frustrations. Everything is driven with an elegant philosophy of simple but deep, from the way the roads support the city to how the specialisations work. But when you take them to their natural conclusions and push a single system, like trade or transport, too far, it all falls apart. Traffic jams become death sentences, and SimCity’s constantly noticeable agoraphobia does more to frustrate than challenge. You end up with businesses crying out for workers, and all you can do is increase density in the hope of high rises. Nothing /quite/ works as it should, and when Simcity is built on those systems from the ground up, that’s an incredible shame. There’s so much to like, but there’s so much that will frustrate, and it’s hard to recommend you brave the many ailments.

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