Last month, Samsung announced the new Samsung Galaxy S4, a flagship device that will be arriving on shelves around the globe in the weeks ahead. The Galaxy S4 won’t be the only Galaxy S4 device that arrives in the coming weeks, however. In addition, the company has a device called the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini up its sleeve, a device that will compliment the larger, more expensive model.
The Samsung Galaxy S3 launched in May of last year and was released just a few weeks later. In October, many weeks after the Galaxy S3 launch and release, the company announced a brand new Galaxy S3 smartphone called the Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, a smaller version of its flagship that would be touching down with lesser features and lesser price tags.
In March, Samsung unveiled the Samsung Galaxy S4, a device that will replace the Galaxy S3 as the company’s flagship and which will be coming with an assortment of high-end features including a 5-inch 1080p display, quad-core processor, Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and more. Like the Galaxy S3, Samsung is hoping to sell millions. And like the Galaxy S3, Samsung is planning to release a smaller Galaxy S4 to compliment it.
Rumors prior to the Galaxy S4 event suggested that Samsung had a smaller Galaxy S4 Mini up its sleeve. And just recently. the company casually confirmed the device for arrival after the Samsung Galaxy S4 release which is set to kick off in April. Despite confirming the device’s existence though, the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini remains a mystery.
Here now, helped along by some rumors and some of Samsung’s past habits, it’s time to make some predictions in regards to the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini and specifically, about its features, its price, its release date and whether or not it will ever make it to the United States.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini Launch Date
While Samsung rented out the massive Radio City Music Hall in New York City for the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S4, we don’t think it’s going to go to the same lengths with the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini launch date. We don’t even expect the Galaxy S4 Mini to make up Episode 2 of Samsung’s Unpacked launch events. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 or something else will likely be a part of that.Instead, we expect Samsung to rather quietly launch the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini, much like it did with the Galaxy S3 Mini. With the Galaxy S3 Mini, Samsung chose a relatively random day to issue a press release for the device.
No orchestras, no Broadway actors, no stages. A simple press release and some images. That’s how we expect the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini launch date to play out later this year.
As for when it might be? Rumors have suggested that it could come as soon as this week, but so far, we’ve seen nothing. We think that Samsung will likely wait for the larger Galaxy S4 to arrive before announcing anything new. It wouldn’t want to detract from the larger launch. That said, May seems like a good month for an announcement at this point.
Galaxy S4 Mini Release Date
Our money is on the device arriving after the Galaxy S4 is delivered in the United States. T-Mobile has already revealed that it will be getting the smartphone on May 1st and it could be that other carriers, Verizon in particular, don’t release the Galaxy S4 until after that. Once that release is in the clear, then Samsung is unimpeded and can release a Galaxy S4 Mini that won’t interfere in the larger Galaxy S4 release date
Samsung has confirmed the Galaxy S4 Mini for arrival.
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